Let's reflect on the following: If I’d had a chance to meet Dr Goh Keng Swee, what would I have said to him? Who can I care for now? What will I do to show care ? When will I start caring for this person?
We had a short discussion on Alliteration earlier (page 16 - 17 of 4B textbook). You can find examples of poems using alliteration in the following link. After reading the poems, come up with one and post it as a comment to this blog entry. I look forward to reading your poems :-)
I know that your Paper 1 for English is over. However, learning does not cease so there is no reason to stop talking about plot structure even though your compo writing exam is over, right? :-)
Anyway, I was watching a music video over the weekend and thought that the plot structure of the story played out in the music video is interesting. Take a look at the music video and see if you can (1) identify the setting (i.e. the context of the story e.g. who the characters are, personality of the characters) Hint: one of the characters has a medical condition (2) Development of the story (e.g. the meeting between the man and the other characters and what happened after that) Hint: part of the rising actions leading to the climax is found between 2:32 - 2:38 (timing of the video) (3) Climax (the most intense or "exciting" moment of the video) (4) Falling actions (the events that happen after the climax) Hint: the duration of falling actions in this video is quite short (5) Ending (What kind of ending is it?)
Note: The music video is that of a mandarin song. For pupils who do not understand the language, you can mute your computer / notebook and just view the story. In viewing the story, you will see a man singing. He is the singer and not part of the story.
Have fun figuring out the elements of the plot structure. Do post your thoughts of the plot structure of the video as a comment to this blog entry. I look forward to reading your comments :-)