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Thursday, 24 June 2010

Beautiful works by P4 pupils - T-shirt designs for CCPS Open House

Dear 4 Humility,

Some of you participated in the ICT enrichment workshop during the first of June holidays. Your works have been put up on the school website. Do take a look at the designs. I'm so proud of you :-)

Pupils' Showcase

Ms Teo YC

Friday, 18 June 2010

Reminder to complete earlier tasks and last two tasks for the June holidays

Dear 4 Humility,

Please be reminded to complete the tasks that were assigned the past 2 weeks - (1) book review, (2) view online lesson and take online quiz on idioms, (3) reflection on school visit in Desaru (only for those who went on the trip to Desaru with the school). The tasks need to be completed by 25 June 2010. For more details on the tasks, you can refer to the past blog entries.

Tasks on 18 June:
(1) Go to Little Red Dot blog, read the entries and post at least 3 comments to any of the entries.
(2) Create a personal blog and email me your blog address so that I can create a link to it on the class blog. (Note: you have to let your parents know that you are setting up a blog. For those of you who already have a blog, remember to let your parents know about it.)

That's all for the June holidays. I will not be giving you any more task next week. Thus, take the rest of the time to complete all outstanding tasks and I look forward to seeing you in school the following week. Take care :-)

Ms Teo YC

Friday, 11 June 2010

Reflections on trip to Desaru - school visit

Dear 4 Humility,

The trip to Desaru has helped me to appreciate the nature more e.g. the use of plants to reduce itchiness and how the stick insects play dead in order to get away from their predators. Also, the school visit on the last day of the trip has helped me to have a better idea of the type of games the Malaysian children play as well as the type of food they eat (the kueh kuehs were delicious!)

Hence, for those of you who was with me on the trip, I would like to hear from you how you found the school visit e.g.
(1) How you felt preparing for the song performance
(2) What you learnt from the school visit e.g. the games they play
(3) What is one thing that you would like to tell / ask the pupils in the school if you were to visit them again?

Please email your reflections to me at by 18 June 2010.

Ms Teo

Let's learn idioms! :-)

Hi 4 Humility,

Here's what I have for you this week.

(1) Log in to Asknlearn
(2) Select English - P4
(3) Select I Want To Be
(4) Select Reading

Once the window pops up, you will see the following idioms:
  • Bed of roses
  • Donkey's work
  • Follow in one's footsteps
  • Learn the ropes
  • Let grass grow under one's feet
  • Make a killing
  • Set the world on fire

Read up the explanation for each of the idioms. After reading the explanations, construct three sentences using any three of the idioms and post them as a comment to this blog entry.

Optional: Play the two games related to idioms - (1) Amazing Words, (2) Smiles in the sky.

Have fun in your learning and I hope to hear from you soon :-)

Ms Teo