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Thursday, 7 January 2010

Research - The Hummingbird or The Giant Anteater

Research on either the hummingbird or the giant anteater from the following:
Google Search Engine

You can also use Britannica Online Encyclopedia (accessible from
Log in to Asknlearn
Select Resources
Select Britannica

Categorise the information found so as to help you write an information report later.

Note: Should you come across any undesirable content, you should close the browser immediately and inform your teacher or parent.


  1. Thank You !

  2. Hi Hui Ling,

    Please share with the class what you learnt from the research you did in class by posting it as a comment to this blog entry :-)

    Ms Teo

  3. I have Learnt That The Giant Anteater Is MOST Active at night,and it maybe sleeps during the day.
    I have also learnt that it can eat up to 30,000 insects in one day!!!It's tongue is 2 feet long, and they are very good swimmers,like the Sloths.They eat Termites And Ants.They have long claws so they can rip open the nest/homes and sticks in it's sticky tongue and the insects will get stuck, and they Giant anteater will eat the insects ALL up!! =) That's what i have learnt!!!
    Wang Rachel (36)

  4. Hi Rachel,

    Thanks for sharing that information with us :-) Anyone else wants to share hers?

  5. You're Welcome!! =)
